
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Law Beez provides on-demand freelance lawyer services to law firms of all sizes, as well as in-house legal departments. Law Beez is here to help lawyers grow their law firms by giving them the tools needed to easily outsource their legal work to freelance lawyers. Whether your goal is to catch up on a backlog of work, keep a balanced workload, or decrease overhead and increase profit margin.

Whether you use the term “freelance lawyer” or “contract attorney”, it's all the same. A freelance lawyer assists other lawyers, law firms, and in-house legal departments on a fixed or hourly, project, contract, or part-time basis. They act as independent contractors and in a “lawyer on-demand” capacity. Freelance lawyers that work through Law Beez only work with other lawyers and do not take on end-clients directly.

You must be a licensed attorney in good standing. Only licensed attorneys can use the services of Law Beez. We are not available to any of the general public.

We've spent a lot of time making sure we get this right. Our registration process is extensive and intense. In fact, freelance lawyers are required to jump through several hoops to make it into our hive. This starts with a full verification of identity, state bar status and history. On top of that, before we accept a freelance lawyer into our hive, each lawyer is interviewed to ensure they align with our Law Beez client expectations.

Easy. All you have to do is register for an account, and then you can view our hive of freelance lawyers.

The first step to accessing our hive of freelance lawyers is to register for an account. Beyond that, we have an easy to use and easy to follow process that you can check out here

Great question! The attorneys in our hive range in level of experience. Many of whom have left big law and are doing freelance work to supplement their income. There are semi-retired lawyers, newly admitted lawyers and everything in between. And then there are Military spouses who are required to move from state to state every couple of years. Since 2015, our parent company Attorneys in Motion has worked with an organization called the Military Spouse JD Network, which helps lawyers who are married into the military continue to practice law.

There are no monthly fees. You only pay the flat-fee budget that you set when you post a project, and your card isn't charged until you hire a freelance lawyer.

It depends on what you need. Whether it's motion writing, document review, demand letter writing, legal content writing, trial briefs, discovery, etc., our hive of freelance lawyers is ready to help.

There are quite a few limitations and there are good reasons for them, most of which are for the purposes of maintaining ethical compliance.

For starters, the hiring attorney must have sole professional responsibility for the work product of the freelance lawyer and must supervise the performance of services for each project to ensure compliance with the Rules of Professional Conduct.

In addition to that, the freelance lawyer will have no contact with the hiring attorneys' client, opposing counsel, witnesses or any other persons potentially involved with the project, either by way of telephone, email, facsimile, social media, in-person, and/or zoom and other like platforms.

Finally the hiring attorney must retain sole responsibility for determining the fee charged to his or her client. The freelance lawyer must not have any influence or involvement in that process.

This is an important one and here's how it works:

The hiring attorney is required to complete a conflict checklist upon posting a project. Once the hiring attorney is interested in a candidate, the conflict checklist is sent to that freelance lawyer. After the freelance lawyer reviews the checklist and answers the questions, the hiring attorney will receive a notification to review the answers. If no conflict is found, the hiring attorney may proceed with the hiring process.

In addition, Law Beez has a confidentiality agreement with all of its freelance lawyers within our Terms of Use, which is signed by all freelancers within our platform. This applies alongside their usual professional obligations and, as licensed attorneys, they are ethically bound by their duty of confidentiality.

The simple answer is yes, absolutely! Your success is our priority, which means that all things related to ethical compliance are at the top of our list. You can read more here

Posting a project is easy and only takes a few minutes to do. Since your project is visible to our hive of attorneys, you'll want to make sure that you don't include anything confidential upon posting your project.

If you choose to upload documents, know that they will not be visible to the freelance attorney until that freelancer is hired. At that point, the document tab will become available for that individual.

An important detail to note is that you have the option to choose whether you want your name to be visible to the hive of freelance lawyers or to keep it hidden until you hire an attorney.

Lastly, upon posting your project, you will be prompted to create a conflict checklist. This will not be visible to any of the network until you are interested in hiring a freelance lawyer. At that time you, will be prompted to release the conflict checklist to the freelance lawyer that you are interested in hiring.

Now that we have that out of the way, there are a few steps to posting your project. Here's an idea of what that includes:

  1. The first thing you will need to do is name your project. You'll want to make this something relevant to the project without using the actual case name or any other information that you don't want visible. It could be something like “Demand Letter for Dog Bite Case”
  2. Select your deadline dates.
  3. Set your budget. This is the flat fee price that you're willing to pay for completion of your project. Your credit card is not charged until you hire a freelancer.
  4. Enter the details and instructions for the project.
  5. Post your project.

You'll want to set it for a period that offers enough time to get through the hiring process and that makes sense for your project. However, you can hire a freelance lawyer at any time.

Have you ever heard of Parkinson's Law? It's the adage that "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion." That being said, you might want to consider creating a deadline that gives you plenty of time for revisions and/or any other necessary changes with plenty of time to spare.

In order to calculate your fixed-rate budget, you'll first want to estimate how many hours you think the project will take to complete. Next, multiply a fair hourly pay rate by the number of hours. If it is a complicated project, it will need someone with highly specialized knowledge and/or experience; or, if the project is on a short deadline, you will want to increase the budget accordingly. We have a budget guide available to you from your account.

To break that down for you, estimate the number of hours, and multiply by the hourly rate. For example, if you think a project will take 5 hours to complete for an average case, done by a mid-level attorney, you may want to estimate the rate at $85 per hour. Thus, 5 hours multiplied by $85 equals $425.

$85 per hour
x 5 hours
$425 project budget

You can view the full budget guide once you are logged into your account from the budget page.

You can edit your budget from the menu on the project page of your dashboard. If, for some reason, you need to increase the scope of work after you've hired an attorney, you can add an extra budget or increase the budget from the “deliverables” tab located on the project details page.

Each project includes a secure and encrypted messaging portal specific to that project. This makes messaging easy to access and track.

Any time a message is sent, a new freelancer applies to a project, work is submitted and/or any other important notifications come in, you'll receive an email notification alongside an alert on your dashboard.

For every project, you are provided access to a secure and encrypted document library that is only visible to your freelance lawyer after you've hired him or her. Documents can be viewed from the project details page through your dashboard. Again, documents cannot be viewed by any freelance lawyer until he or she has been hired.

Once a freelance lawyer records an entry to the project timecard, you will receive a notification alerting you of the new entry. This gives you a “real-time” view of your project progress. Time cards can be viewed and downloaded from the project details page through your dashboard.

Canceling is easy. Here's how to do it:

  1. Go to the project page from your dashboard.
  2. Find your project and click the cancel button from the project menu.

If you have not hired a freelance lawyer, your cancellation will simply process and cancel. However, if you've hired a freelance lawyer, you will be prompted to open a dispute. Simply enter the required information and the dispute process will begin.

While it is uncommon, if for some reason, you are not satisfied with the quality of work product, you can open a dispute. In order to open a dispute, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to the project page from your dashboard.
  2. Click on the project to open the details page.
  3. Click the deliverables tab, and then click the dispute button on the bottom of that page.
  4. Answer the questions and click submit.

For your protection, we use to handle all payment processing. In accordance with payment rules and regulations, no credit card information is stored by Law Beez. We are fully PCI DSS compliant.

When you register for an account, you will be prompted to provide a credit card before you can post a project. However, your credit card will not be charged until you hire a freelance lawyer. There is no charge to post a project.

Law Beez takes care of all tax reporting so that you don't have to. We issue IRS Form 1099 on or before January 31 of each year, only to anyone who has received $600 or more from Law Beez for that tax filing year.

Hourly work is when the Hiring Attorney posts a job in order to hire a Freelance Lawyer for multiple weeks or months at a time.

There is no minimum commitment for hourly Freelance work. Once you select a Freelance Lawyer, you can send them varying amounts of work over any duration you set and they agree to. You can cancel and get a refund of your remaining retainer at any time in accordance with our Terms of Service.

The retainer is $1,000 (one thousand dollars). Once the retainer is exhausted, your card will only be charged for the amount of actual work logged on the Freelance Lawyer’s weekly timesheet.

We ask you to provide an estimation as to the anticipated length of time you need help from a Freelance Lawyer in order to ensure that applicants have the time availability you need when applying to work with you as an Hourly Freelance Lawyer.

 Your LAW BEEZ dashboard will keep you updated on the status of how many hours the Freelance Lawyer has logged.  From your dashboard you can navigate to your Timesheet Page which will show you the hours logged for each individual week, the hours logged for the month, and the hours logged in total for the duration of time until the project is closed. You can download the Freelance Lawyer’s timesheet from the Timesheet page within your dashboard.  You will also receive an email each Sunday with a link to access and review the hours logged for the week and download a copy of the Timesheet.

Hourly project types function similar to a normal retainer agreement. Once the Freelance Lawyer has been hired, LAW BEEZ will charge the Hiring Attorney’s credit card a retainer amount of  $1,000. This Retainer will be used to compensate the Freelance Lawyer for the hours they work. Once the retainer has been exhausted the Hiring Attorneys credit card will be charged weekly on Sunday at 5:45 p.m. PST based on the actual number of hours logged by the Freelance Attorney for that week. For example, if the retainer balance has been exhausted and the Freelance Lawyer works 5 hours at $100 per hour, then the credit card will only be charged the $500 that the Freelance Lawyer actually worked.

On Sunday evening, the Hiring Attorney and Freelance Lawyer will be provided, via email, with a copy of the Freelance Lawyer’s logged time for the week. Access to the Freelance Lawyer’s logged time is always available through your dashboard. The Hiring Attorney has until Friday to review the Freelance Lawyer’s timesheet. Unless a dispute is submitted by Friday at 5:00 p.m. PST, the Hiring Attorney will be deemed to have approved all undisputed amounts and authorized LAW BEEZ to pay the Freelance Lawyer from the Retainer and/or the amount charged to the Hiring Attorney’s credit card.

Payments to Freelance Lawyers will be paid either by PayPal or by USPS. LAW BEEZ will initiate payments on Mondays following the end of the dispute period, or the first business day after a holiday, which, depending on the financial institution’s regulations, may take several days to be available in the Freelance Lawyer’s account.

If you don’t have work to assign, you won’t be charged.  Hourly Freelance Lawyer is meant to be flexible and enable you to pay as you go based on the amount of help you need.

The process for closing an hourly freelance work agreement is initiated by clicking the “Close Project” button located on the “Deliverable” page of the project or can be closed by clicking the “Close Project” button listed on the kabob menu of the project card. The Hiring Attorney will receive a confirmation email and the Freelance Lawyer will receive an email stating that the work has been closed and the Freelance Attorney will have 24 hours after the close of the project to enter any time that has not yet been logged. The Hiring Attorney will have until the following Friday to enter a dispute for any hours.

If there is a Retainer balance after the final payment to the Freelance Lawyer, the remaining Retainer balance will be refunded to the Hiring Attorney’s credit card.

Upon an hourly freelance work being closed, the Hiring Attorney will retain access to all of the documents in the document libraries and the chat messages.

After an hourly freelance work is closed and the Freelance Lawyer has received payment for their hours worked (which payment will be made on the Monday after the Dispute Period has passed as set forth above), any remaining balance of the retainer will be refunded to the Hiring Attorney’s credit card.

If the Retainer has been depleted at the closure of the hourly freelance work agreement, the Hiring Attorney hereby expressly consents to a final credit card charge to pay for any remaining hours logged by the Freelance Lawyer while the hourly freelance work was in process and will have access to the standard dispute timeframe.